Thanksgiving is Coming, Don’t Forget to Floss

By Island Dental

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means there may be a wide variety of foods for you to consume that have a tendency to stick in between your teeth and gums. Turkey and corn are two of the most prominent players at a standard Thanksgiving meal, and they are also two foodstuffs highly likely to get stuck in between your teeth. If you have been neglecting your flossing, now is the perfect time of year to get back the habit of flossing every day. Here are a few guidelines to consider.

– Floss at least once a day.

– Break off a piece of thread approximately 18 inches in length.

– Wrap each end of the floss around each middle finger until you only have an inch or two to work with.

– Gently slide the floss up-and-down between your teeth and avoiding pressing too hard when reaching the gumline.

– When you reach the gumline , gently curve the floss into a ‘c’ shape around the tooth, to go beneath the gumline.

– When moving to a new tooth, use the same gentle up-and-down motion to move away from your finished tooth.

– Each time you move to a new tooth, use a new section of the floss by adjusting the line using your middle finger.

– Remember to get between every tooth, as well as the backside of your last teeth.

Be sure to ask your dentist for recommendations on acceptable floss products, and don’t forget to brush twice daily.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Naman B. Patel at Island Dental, you can call us at 480-725-3031, or stop by our office in Gilbert, Arizona.

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